Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Scenes from the Blizzard of '10

Here are a few images from the blizzard. There were multiple storms, and in the end we had about 3 feet of snow. It really wasn't that much fun. Luckily, we didn't lose power, but snow in D.C. is never fun. When I lived in New Hampshire I used to love the snow, but after this, I think I could go the rest of my life without seeing another flake. Ricardo is permanently damaged.

The snow came quick. It started off pretty enough, sticking to the trees, for that winter-wonderland effect.

Then came the wind, and more snow.

The next morning things were out-of control.

The backyard looked pretty, but there was a lot of work to be done.

Our outdoor kitties were trapped... one on the porch, the other in the back yard, both upset and meowing for help. Ricardo (the amazing husband that he is) dug out a tunnel so they could reunite and cuddle for warmth.

We didn't leave the house for days, but finally ventured out the day before another storm was ready to strike. The sidewalks were impassable, and the streets were down to one lane, with all the pedestrians forced to share the road with cars.

After our hike to Safeway, we found empty shelves everywhere. Hope you don't need any tomatoes, garlic, onions, eggs, milk, juice, cooking oil...

To add insult to injury, we waited in line for 2 hours and 6 minutes. (Yes, I timed it.) My back was killing me, and it was a cold walk home. But at least we had wine.

After 11 days home, dealing with the snow, all we can do is hope it melts -- soon.

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